"Ovo nije standardni house album, već kombinacija glazbe koju volimo slušati i stvarati. Album je poprilično emotivno, kompleksno i zahtjevno djelo te nam je stoga i trebalo preko dvije godine da ga dovršimo - željeli smo da rezultat bude na nivou najbolje svjetske glazbene produkcije, što sam siguran da smo i uspjeli postići", otkriva Blacksoul, idejni začetnik projekta PEZNT.
Vinyl verzija albuma "Paid In Full" donosi ukupno osam pjesama na dva 180 gramska vinila, uz niz izvrsnih gostujućih autorskih i glazbenih imena; u radu na albumu su im pripomogli glazbenici Davor "Daga" Devčić i Zvonimir Dusper "Dus" (ujedno i ko-autor dviju pjesama), koji su im omogućili da izdanje bude odsvirano uživo, a ne samo programirano, dok je za mastering zaslužan Gregor Zemljič.
Uz njih, album su kreirali i rapperi, pjevači te autori iz čitavog svijeta - tu je Masta Ace, legenda stare brooklynske škole hip-hopa, Born I, talentirani rapper iz Washington DC-a, zatim Shyam P, londonski vokalist, autor i producent s trenutnom adresom u Dubaiju te danski kantautor Gregers.
Izdanje uz izvrsnu glazbu sa sobom nosi i kreativno vizualno rješenje, za koje je zaslužan jedan od najboljih hrvatskih strip-crtača – Dalibor Talajić, poznat po svom iznimnom radu za Marvelove stripove. Uz naslovnicu, on je ujedno kreirao i čitavo vizualno rješenje fizičkog izdanja koje će krasiti i korice vinilnog formata, što će albumu "Paid In Full" dati i svojevrsnu kolekcionarsku vrijednost.
Podsjećamo, PEZNT čine dvojica iskusnih hrvatskih DJ-eva i producenata, Tom Pasanec - Blacksoul i Dejan Marković - Mark de Line. Ovu zajedničku priču započeli su 2015. godine, na inicijativu Blacksoula te su se sa svojim izvrsnim izdanjima svjetskog kalibra ubrzo našli na brojnim relevantnim diskografskim kućama - Toolroom, Dirtybird, Strictly Rhythm, Defected, Atlantic Records / Big Beat, Universal Music…, dosegnuli visoke pozicije na top-listama relevantnih platformi elektroničke glazbe – Beatporta i Traxsourcea te na spomenutom Traxsource-u zauzeli pozicije #11 Top 100 House Artists of 2018 i #14 Top 100 Artists of 2018, u društvu imena kao što su: Mousse T, Louie Vega, Purple Disco Maschine...
"Paid In Full" - popis pjesama na limitiranom vinyl izdanju albuma (uz kupnju vinila svaki kupac slanjem emaila na poklon dobiva proširenu extended verziju albuma u digitalnom formatu):
01. Yours feat. Born I
02. Toxic Love feat. Gregers
03. Need You Now feat. Shyam P
04. Doin My Thing feat. Born I
05. Red & Blue feat. Gregers and Dus
06. Be Somebody feat. Shyam P and Dus
07. Pelin
08. Bad Girls feat. Masta Ace
Central to the Croatian House scene, PEZNT is making big moves with their fantastic debut album, "Paid In Full". Featuring a range of key collaborators who all deliver pure gold, this panoramic album takes a journey through hip hop, soul, funk, r&b and all flavors of house music across 10 stunning new tracks and six remixes.
PEZNT is a characterful duo who bring real attitude and a wide range of influences to their music. Their productions always start with a full-blown party in mind, with a wry smile and a big heart as labels Defected, Toolroom, and Dirtybird are well aware. Now PEZNT show off their widest range of skills yet on a stunning album that is full to the brim with positivity, funk, and groove
"Yours" with the brilliant Born I sets us off with a classic hip hop joint, then Dus joins the boys with Shyam P and the emotion meter hits 11 on "Be Somebody"; a fusion of soul, bottom end drive and a groove so good it hurts. Born I appear again on track three and the gear steps up and the party lifts off as house meets hip hop on this previously released single 'Doin' My Thing'. Next is 'Toxic Love' with Gregers, which is catchier than the common cold and has all the hands in the air moments required for massive dance floor destruction.
'Bad Girls' is a title we can all relate to and is a fire track with Masta Ace that has a fat dirty live baseline rolling out over a chunky drum groove. Dus makes a return on 'Red and Blue' as we take a break from the dance floor heaters to feel the emotion from the live drums, instrumentation and vocal delivery from Gregers that is pure gold.
This is an album of real modern music dripping with quality and respect for House heritage and is not to be missed.
House / Tech House / Techno / Disco / Acid
DMC WORLD MAG 4.5/5 Review
To name an album ‘Paid In Full’ show the big courage Tom ‘Blacksoul’ Pasanec and studio partner Dejan Markovic aka PEZNT have as the evergreen Hip Hop classic album by Eric B. & Rakim of the same name surely is a huge influence for them. In fact, you can find housed up Hip Hop tracks on their classy debut album (the Nile Rodgers esque disco jam ‘Doin’ My Thing’, the mega funky ‘Bad Girls’ which features the unmistakable voice from Masta Ace and the slow opener ‘Yours’) but what you get is much more than Hip House. Even for friends of more experimental territories, there is something on this album like the midtempo ‘Be Somebody’.
All in all, it certainly is one of the best artist long-players of the year.
4.5 out of 5