21,90 €

When you see some dude having listed an album for sale somewhere for the utterly crazy price of 7500 US$ saying in the item description that he actually does not even want to sell it due to being his favorite piece of music ever, it really must be something special. When you check for other auctions and sales and find this goodie being sold regularly for 650 to 1200 US$, you get your first impression confirmed. This is indeed a really special album. THE GHETTO BROTHERS were not initially a rock band when they formed in the Bronx / NYC back in the late 60s. They were a street gang with mainly Puerto Rican members with a rather political attitude. For example, they tried to uplift young black and Hispanic people or even stood in between rival gangs to make a truce work. They were certainly not only good guys concerning their actions as they used to plunder a local music store, Mary Lou Records, from time to time where then young Bobby Marin, a leading figure in the field of 1960s Boogaloo music and later on famous record producer up to the present day, used to work in. As the store owner thought about using a shotgun to solve that problem, Bobby Marin convinced him not to do so to avoid that anybody gets hurt and took the chance to speak personally with the gang leader Benji Mendelez who turned out to be the lead singer of a band formed by members of the GHETTO BROTHERS.