STARCHILD JR. - Hand Me Down Diapers - LP

19,91 €

* Excellent retro funk with a definite 70s atmosphere
* Gareth Shider aka Starchild Jr. is the son of the great late Garry Shider aka The Diaper Man of Funkadelic fame
* This album is a must-have for fans of George Clinton, Parliament, Funkadelic
* Gareth Shider cooperates here with members of the P-Funk All-Stars
* Excellent sound and performance by high-class musicians
* Brilliant debut album of Funkadelic Garry Shider’s son Gareth
* First release on Everland Music
* LP housed in a superheavy 430 g art carton cover
* Ultimate collector's item for fans of Funkadelic, Parliament, and George Clinton

Starchild Jr. named GARRETT SHIDER, is a seriously talented guitarist, much-lauded and in demand in the music industry. This might be unsurprising since Garrett was brought up on guitars being the son of legendary PARLIAMENT / FUNKADELIC guitarist, musical director GARRY SHIDER. This Funky album is a tribute from son to father, and an extension of P-Funk Allstars (the next generation so to speak). 'Hand me down diapers' is a punchy versatile album with gorgeous guitars and harmony. Featured on it is the Funk maestro himself, GEORGE CLINTON, as well as other band members of today's FUNKADELIC crew.