"Snooze / Doll" is the 9th single release by the new music group Violence. This single release came about in a great act of solidarity. As is so often the case, violence (as it is so often imperceptible to the listener) enters new territory. On the sick dub reggae groove of "Snooze", the clear, cold voice of Helen Henfling comes to the fore for the first time. New member Jasmin Rilke makes herself indispensable with her first violent recording and builds a 70ies Doom Bass riff for eternity on Snooze. “Doll” is what violence likes to do best: old school hip hop. In the end, it's always kind of violence. Snooze When our alarm clock rings, we get up and do what we do. Like it or not (our life), we firmly believe that this is life. The other world, which we touch in our dreams, we often do not perceive or do not take seriously. We dismiss them as if our minds were just juggling thoughts. But what if we decide endlessly to lie there, to set the alarm clock to "Snooze" again and again. We start living our dreams and creating them. We opt for a more exciting, more intense reality and leave the actual reality, this "sticky unclear world" behind us.